What are the 0.01% of germs that hand sanitizers can’t kill?


What are the 0.01% of germs that hand sanitizers can’t kill?

In: Chemistry

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was doing some QC documentation for microbial tests we had something of an argument was to what it meant when there were no colonies found on the Petri dish. Did that mean that the material was perfectly sterile? What if we had tested 10 samples? Or a hundred? Might we have found a growth in just one plate in that number? Could we call the result for the the whole batch of material “zero” or just “less than one per <volume of test sample>”

Statistics get difficult when you are dealing with that sort of problem. So your 0.01% just means that they didn’t find any on test but you can’t be certain that there never will be.

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