What are the benefits of Nationalisation?


In the UK the Labour Party is (or at least was) big on nationalisation of industry. It seem to me that this was one of their many downfalls in the midlands.

Is there any proven benefits to nationalisation of industry?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t have a lot of nationalization in the U.S. but one that comes to mind that might make sense to someone from the UK is our train system. Amtrak.

Passenger trains in the US were mostly private but after the building the highway system and increased reliance on cars, passenger trains started falling out of favor and losing money. The government deemed trains an important strategic resource so they created Amtrak. It’s basically been government supported ever since. Without it, it’s highly unlikely we would have passenger trains except in highly dense populated areas. So if you like riding trains, that is a benefit.

In order to make it not SEEM like nationalization they are a “for profit” company that the government is a major shareholder of but it’s only marginally different than something like the Post Office which is a nationalized parcel service from it’s inception.

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