What are the differences in various grades of gasoline and how do they affect a vehicle?


What are the differences in various grades of gasoline and how do they affect a vehicle?

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2 Answers

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They higher grade of gasoline the ignation becames less “explosive” and mores mooth and lenear. That us importans because when materials heats they do expand. Explosive ignation leads to high heat pikes thus it is nessesarry to make bigger distance between puston walles and its casing, otherwise it can stuck due to material expansion. The bigger distance between walls – less eficient cooling system and less efficient combustion overall (because not all fuel burns). Thus engine designed for higher grade fuel would be more efficient and will have more power.

You can pour higher grade gasoline into engine which was designed for lower grade. There wouldnot be any drawback not improvements in performance.

You cannot pour lower grade gasoline into engine which was designed for higher grade. Sooner or later that will break it

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