What are the different categories of missiles and bombs and when do you use them?


I see words like “surface to air” and “hellfire” and “cruise missile” and “smart bombs”.

What are the different categories here, what do they do, when do you want to use them?

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5 Answers

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Missiles are propelled. Bombs just fall. Shells are fired from cannons.

Plenty of kinds of missiles exist. Broadly, there’s surface to surface, surface to air, air to ground, and air to air.

SAMS are for taking out aircraft, air to ground is used for all sorts of things, such as taking out tanks or bunkers.

Air to air is used by aircraft for shooting down other aircraft.

Ground to ground has the most diversity. Cruise missiles, ICBM’s, anti tank missiles, you name it. Cruise missiles travel low and far. ICBM’s travel in high arcs and travel VERY VERY FAR. ICBM’s usually carry nukes, while cruise missiles carry conventional warheads.

Smart bombs are aerial bombs that are guided to a target. Just more accurate that way.

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