what are the different categories of OCD? I recently heard of one referred to as “contamination OCD” and I was curious what the differentiation between the types was


what are the different categories of OCD? I recently heard of one referred to as “contamination OCD” and I was curious what the differentiation between the types was

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

OCD is only a partial diagnosis and describes a set of symptoms in behaviour. The specifics of the obsession or compulsive behaviour is as individual as the person. In it’s simplest form (ELI5) it is an uncontrollable urge to repeat actions. This may be washing hands, cutting and saving coupons (but not using them) going through the home locking doors, sorting books, records, or videos. Constant Eating when not hungry, self harm such as cutting, excessive alcohol abuse, pinching or scratching them selves, hoarding or collecting things such as old phone books, newspapers, magazines or pets.

The diagnosis as OCD relies on sever important points, first is that the actions interfere with the person’s ability to lead a normal life and form health relationships. Secondly is that the person does not enjoy the compulsive actions, but is unable to break the cycle. For example someone who collects stamps may appear to be compulsive about checking and saving stamps, but if they are able to put their hobby down and perform other daily tasks, and form relationships at their work place and in their personal life, then it is not OCD. The same with organising your wardrobe or sorting books, you may be demanding that things are put back in the correct order but it is not true OCD.

A lot of harm comes to people with OCD with people on social media joking about having OCD due to their pickiness over things like correct spelling or grammar. By minimising the condition, it gives a false impression that OCD sufferers can live an otherwise normal life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am in no way trying to diagnose or encouraging others to self diagnose with this post, if your life day to day is hindered by any of these please seek professional help.

TLDR at bottom

So in the dsm 5 (the book used to diagnose disorders in people), the section of obsessive compulsive disorders includes the following disorders:
OCD (or just o ocd, although not technically in the dsm, it is a type of ocd. When only the obsessive thought are present, with no compilations to match)
Body dimorphic disorder
Hoarding disorder
Trichtotillomania (hair pulling disorder)
Excoriation (skin picking disorder)
Substance/medication induced OCDs
OCDs related due to a medical condition
Other specified OCDs

To paraphrase the criteria from the dsm5
A) having obsessions/compilations (one or both)
Obsessions are defined as:
1) reoccurring and persistent intrusive, distributive and unwanted thoughts/urges
2)you try to ignore/suppress them, or sooth them by preforming a compulsion

B)The obsessions/compulsions take up at least an hour a day or impart you job/social life/personal life

Body dimorphic disorder:
A) Obsession with one or more “defects/flaws” in physical appearance that can’t be seen or are barley seen by others

B) repetitive compulsions (eg. mirror checking, excessive grooming, reassurance seeking) or mental acts (eg. comparing ones self to others)

C) must cause significant distress that impedes your job, social life, personal life, or any itching big area of life

D) symptoms not better explained by eating disorders

Hoarding disorder:
A) difficulty getting rid of objects regardless of value

B) this results in clutters and crammed living conditions unless outside party has forced cleaned for them

C) impares job, social life, personal life or causes unsafe living conditions for self or others

D) not better explained by meds or medical condition

Hair pulling disorder:
A) constant hair pulling (head hair, body hair, eyebrows, eyelashes) that results in hair loss

B) they’ve tried to (tried and faild to) decrease behaviour or stop it

C) cause significant distress or impress job, social/personal/any other life

D) not better explained by meds/substances or medical conditions

Skin picking disorder:
A) same as hair pulling but skin picking

And the others have the same symptoms of ocd just with different causes

(All of these must cause a hinderance to day to day life for it to be a disorder)

OCD: obsessions (intrusive thoughts) cause compulsions (actions taken to sooth thoughts)

Just the O: obsessions only

Body dimorphic disorder: obsessions about physical flaw/s that aren’t there or hardly noticeable

Hoarding disorder: obsessions causing inability to get rid of possessions

Hair pulling disorder: compulsively plucking out hair (can be eyelashes/eyebrows)

Skin picking disorder: compulsively picking skin

Sub/med induced ocd: ocd cause by substances or medications

OCD related to medical conditions: like brain damage, or skin picking due to a disease