What are the natural predators of humans? If there are none, why are there none?


What are the natural predators of humans? If there are none, why are there none?

In: Other

12 Answers

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I think it depends on how you define ‘human’. To me, the use of technology is inextricably linked to the concept of ‘human’.

If you take a human and take from them everything that *makes* them human (society, tools, planning, …), you will find the creature that remains to be quite easy prey.

But humans are neither alone, nor defenseless, nor oblivious. Humans are insidious, meticulous and ingenuous; far more so than any species of animal on this planet. A pack of wolves with their sharp fangs might seem scary, but the scariest thing on the planet is a pack of humans with guns.

We have no natural predators left because we hunted them all to near extinction the moment we invented the means to do so. The only natural predator left is the fellow human.

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