What are the purposes of “e” and ln(x) in calculus?


i know a logarithm is the inverse of exponents… but i just cannot fathom how these are supposed to work in calculus, why we’re deriving them, what “e” means, why it’s important etc.


for reference currently taking calculus ab as well

In: Mathematics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

e is a special constant like pi that has important properties in certain contexts.

What’s really special about e^x is that it is its own derivative. When you take the derivative of something like x^5 , you end up with 5x^4 . When you take the derivative of e^x you get e^x . It’s the function f(x) where f(x) = f'(x). That means that if you ever need to do calculus with exponentials, you will generally have an easier time if you express them as e^something .

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