What are the reasons we think we can only move in one direction in time?


I recently was told that we know there’s only one time dimension because otherwise we’d pivot between different dimensions of time, as we are able to do in space. But I still don’t understand, other than paradoxes and causality, why we can’t move backwards in time.

Even on a 1D spatial plane [edit to say yes… a line, not a plane.] we would be able to move forwards and backwards.

But we can’t with time. Why?

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you. It’s just au hard to conceive of non-linear time. This is really helpful. It’s tricky because ducks can reorganize themselves in a row, so I’m imagining rubber duckies now.

There’s also a metaphor here about my chronic fatigue, the mess in my house, and having a friend come in and help clean but in reality the ducks are more helpful.

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