What are the reasons we think we can only move in one direction in time?


I recently was told that we know there’s only one time dimension because otherwise we’d pivot between different dimensions of time, as we are able to do in space. But I still don’t understand, other than paradoxes and causality, why we can’t move backwards in time.

Even on a 1D spatial plane [edit to say yes… a line, not a plane.] we would be able to move forwards and backwards.

But we can’t with time. Why?

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t know why things cannot move different directions in time. We only know they do. It could just be a set property of the universe.

But if we could move different directions in time, the universe could probably not exist, at least as we know it, and no kind of life could develop, or even molecules. Everything would just kind of exist in a now, where there are no causes and effects, and everything is at an equilibrium. Anything trying to move forward temporarily, would be countered by moving backwards.

BTW, a plane is 2 dimensions. A line would be 1 dimension.

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