What are the white spots that sometimes appear on nails and why are they there?


What are the white spots that sometimes appear on nails and why are they there?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most nail discoloration is from injuries. Small white dots across several nails can be a sign of deficiencies in some micro nutrients. A multivitamin, zinc and calcium supplements should sort it out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Left in humid conditions, nails of any variety can begin to rust (or oxidize). Aluminum oxide is white colored and could be responsible for white spots on nails. Iron oxide is rust red and would cause red spots on iron nails.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had these spots, don’t panic, it means so many things but in my case, It was lack of calcium and iron, try to drink milk every day and eat foods or Vegetables that have vitamin g , maybe it will work for you, if it didn’t work in matter of week, i advise you to go and see a doctor, Beacuse in some cases it maybe a warning that you have a heart problem or something bad