What are those colored circles for on the packaging of artificially processed foods, and what do they indicate?


What are those colored circles for on the packaging of artificially processed foods, and what do they indicate?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are color swatches to aid in trouble shooting the printing of the packaging. The operators can look at the color dots and easily see if all the colors are printing properly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Referred to as “printer’s color blocks” or “process control patches,” this grid of color swatches indicates which hues of ink were used to produce the design on the package. The printer checks these colored circles or squares to determine whether a package conforms to the necessary color scheme for the product. In the case of any problems, the color blocks let both the human and computerized printers know if a deficiency (or surplus) of color caused the issue.

You might also see crosses as registration marks to make sure everything is lined up.

They have nothing to do with the contents of the package, if you were wondering.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are coordinating dots so the robots know how to fold the box. That’s what I’ve been told.