What are virtual goods? And more importantly why would someone buy them?


What are virtual goods? And more importantly why would someone buy them?

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3 Answers

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Virtual goods are items that aren’t tangible/physical in the same sense as normal goods. The easiest way to think of it is in terms of Steam vs Walmart. You can go to Steam, buy a game, and immediately download it onto your computer to play (in theory, damn updates). If you go to Walmart, you’ll buy a CD or physical item that has the game on it that you can then take home to play.

Steam is virtual, while Walmart is physical. Steam is also a virtual store, while Walmart store is an actual location.

So, why someone would want something virtual is the convenience (probably more reasons, but I think this is the main one). Like I said, you can buy and download a game immediately on Steam, while you’d have to drive to Walmart to buy the game, or someone would have to deliver it to you.

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