What caused monoculture grass lawns to become the norm in many places? What were lawns like before this transition?


What caused monoculture grass lawns to become the norm in many places? What were lawns like before this transition?

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most lawns aren’t actually monocultures as there are a number of species/varieties in any given seed mix (I’m a landscape architect – I specify seed mixes often)

If you’re curious, go to your local garden center and check out what’s listed on the back of a bag of lawn seed. There’s a good amount of science that goes into it and you can even major in it in college (sounds like a drag tbh, but $$$)


THAT BEING SAID… just because there are many species in a lawn and it’s technically “biodiverse” doesn’t mean it’s a well diversified ecosystem that supports native wildlife. It’s like if you had 100 different stocks in your portfolio but they were all in energy and then the energy market crashed… not exactly diverse. Maybe we need a *hedge*… (kms)

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