What causes a lisp?


What causes a lisp?

In: 5

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think there are different causes

Mine is caused by the fact that my tongue is a little too big for my mouth. So it’s hard for my to really produce some sounds like ‘S’, ‘T’, ‘L’, ‘N’ the right way. Try saying those letters the normal way, then try saying them ‘my’ way: by putting the tip of your tongue between your front teeth

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lisp means you cannot pronounce certain letters/sounds correctly. This means that your tongue is not following the proper movements to make the sounds correctly. Speech therapy for lisps is aimed at retraining your tongue and lips to move in the correct way to produce correct sounds.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Speak with your tongue in between your teeth. Voila a lisp

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