What causes a program to lag?


Imagine you finished browsing on chrome and want to end your session… You click on that red X to close everything… And then your computer just hangs there. What causes this lag? Theoretically shouldn’t the computer be erasing stuff from memory, not lagging?

In: Technology

4 Answers

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Your computer lags because there is insufficient resources available to perform tasks in real time.

Resources include CPU time, the amount and speed or you RAM, and how long it takes your hard drive to catch up.

Hard drives are by far the slowest component of your computer, so the less time you spend reading + writing to it the faster your computer will be.

If you are short on RAM your computer will begin dumping RAM contents to your Hard drive to free up space. A process called swapping.

It’s also possible your CPU is busy doing something else like loading another program.

Sometimes though it’s bad code. The program is written in an inefficient manner which causes it to use an unnecessary amount of resources for a given task.

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