What causes anxiety disorders and how are they cured?


What causes anxiety disorders and how are they cured?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anxiety disorders can have multiple causes, including brain chemistry, PTSD and excessive drug use. There is no ‘cure’ that can get rid of anxiety from a person, but there are several different treatment methods including medication and cognitive behaviour therapy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typically it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain. Too much or too little of a chemical can effect your overall mood, and if that’s how your brain is programmed, then that’s how you feel all the time. There’s no “cure”, but there are medications that can help to regulate that balance.

Anonymous 0 Comments


There is no one specific cause to anxiety disorders, the cause is multifactorial.

Partly Genetic, developmental (early Learning and experiences), internal factors (individuals coping abilities to stress) and external factors (outside stress factors like lifestyle associated, financial stress, relationship issues, etc ) and most importantly Biological factors (serotonin deficiency in brain pathways)

Anxiety is a response to insecurity or worry. One becomes insecure or worries when there is a stress or fear of something terrible happening.

In majority of cases its very difficult to establish a clear cause to anxiety disorders. Knowing the underlying factor is not very crucial as the management of all anxiety disorders is similar and not very different from each other.

It is like any other medical problem. One should not try to deal with it on your own as it may get worsen and complicate. If anxiety is like a sore throat (which can be managed with just rest and without medical intervention), [anxiety disorder](https://onlymindmatters.com/anxiety-disorder-psychiatrist-pune/) is like having a pneumonia which if not attended or treated timely can worsen and be fatal. Similarly anxiety disorders can lead to [secondary depression](https://onlymindmatters.com/depression-symptoms-treatment-pune/) and psychiatric problem.

If not treated, it can become more severe. It can risk you for development if stress induced conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

Treatment is easy and recovery is possible.

The management depends upon the level of severity.

For more on [Treatment of anxiety disorder.](https://onlymindmatters.com/anxiety-disorder-psychiatrist-pune/)
