What causes clipping and why is it such a common bug in video games?


I’m playing *Cyberpunk 2077* right now, and it’s a beautifully rendered visual masterpiece of a game, but the clipping issues are ubiquitous to an almost absurd degree.

You see this in “finished” games as well (particularly the Soulsborne series where I can’t count how many deathblows have come by way of an enemy’s attack landing right through a wall or floor).

I’m curious as to why it’s so common. Thanks in advance!

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No expert but, objects come togeather in the game, u see perhaps a wall and the character, the game will see it different, using hitboxes which are simpler geometry to keep things efficient. So the boxes collide but the animating of the character won’t be perfectly in sync so they can pass through on occasion. Add in enemy characters and u can get hits through objects or whatever.

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