what causes historical ‘dark ages’? & records of entire regions diminishing.


It seems strange that suddenly throughout history things just seem to ‘stop’ for a period of time. If it was due to war or some other catastrophe, surely other civilisations would have records of the events that happened

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4 Answers

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A civilization capable of producing art, literature, history, etc. is a complex thing. It relies on trade and communications networks to acquire and distribute resources. If those networks are disrupted for long enough, the civilization can destabilize and eventually collapse. Once that happens, the effort that was put into the production of those cultural artifacts gets redirected into survival, like finding substitutes for all the resources that are no longer coming in from elsewhere. On top of that, the collapse of a civilization can result in mass migration and it’s hard to produce complex culture when you’re not settled in any one place. It usually takes a few generations for the dust to settle and for new societies to start organizing themselves and begin producing cultural artifacts again.

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