What causes physics to appear realistic in animations / CGI?


Subtle things like how does one convey weight in movement, jumps, gait etc.? How does the human eye identify something as being readily computer generated (when done badly) w.r.t movement?

In: Technology

2 Answers

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There are basically three ways you can try to make something appear realistic:

1. Take what we know about how the things behave, use (or create) mathematical formulas that describe that movement, and implement those things in a computer program: Pros: Can be quick, easy, and cheap; Cons: the quicker, easier, and more cheaply you decide, the less realistic it appears. Even then, the math here doesn’t always encompass everything.
2. Use a form of artificial intelligence to learn about reality in an attempt to emulate it. Pros: Over time can come up with some eerily accurate things. Cons: Expensive and time consuming.
3. Slap sensors on the thing you want to emulate. Make it do all the things you want to emulate and record the information. Pros: Is about as real as you can get. Cons: Only really good for humans.

How can we tell when things aren’t realistic? Well, you have an entire life spent looking at the real world. Your brain, outside the tiny nubs that run your body, is basically a squishy pattern recognition machine. So when it sees a pattern that it thinks it knows (a human being) but that pattern doesn’t behave the way it should (unrealistic depiction), it throws off alerts basically telling you something is wrong. This is known as the uncanny valley and why things like zombies and super realistic robots are “creepy.” They’re close enough to being a human that our brain expects them to be human, but off just enough to throw up red flags.

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