what causes the biological changes that shifts a teenager’s sleep patterns?


There are lots of google hits talking about shifts in melatonin cycles – that teens need more sleep – that they don’t get tired at the same time as others etc etc – but why? I get that their brains are developing, which requires a lot of sleep – but what’s the point of the tiredness coming later in the night?

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There is no real “purpose”

it’s more of a logical side effect of the lives we live.

A teen’s brain is constantly developing, but mostly at night.

During the day, the brain is receiving all sort of input and it’s constantly trying to process it.

During the night, before you can fall asleep, the brain is basically still going over all the input it received. It’s almost like it’s preparing what bits it needs to work on that night.

So the teens falling asleep later than most people, mostly has to do with the fact that their brains have a lot of stuf to get done before they are ready to go into sleep mode.