What causes the prevalence of 4 beat rhythms?


It seems like the human brain automatically sorts noises into patterns across 4 beats… But is this instead a cultural thing (nature vs. nurture)? For both answers: how and why did it develop in that way?

In: Other

15 Answers

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It’s my position that common time in music is 4/4 because it’s the simplest pattern for our brains to process and make sense of.

4/4 = 1.

The value of the denominator in a time signature defines the spatial parameters of how a measure, or cycle is counted.

The value of the numerator is how many beats has to occur within the measure within the constraints of its time cycle (designated by the denominator).

Since time is measured in fractions, an uncommon time signature can eventually formulate into a form of common time; such as
6/8 = 3/4 (waltz time signature).

6/8 has an uncommon count, within a common spatial parameter.

Fascinating question.

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