What Corona Virus exactly does to our body system?


There’s a post on Ask Reddit but I’m too dumb too understand it.

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

Viruses in general latch on to the cells in your body, inject their RNA and cause the cell to replicate the virus, killing the cell in the process (usually).

Think of your DNA and RNA as the software in the cell. This software tells the cell how to divide and grow, how to make certain proteins, and many other things. The virus comes in and reprograms this software for no other reason than to make more copies.

The coronavirus enters the body through the air or by food and water. If it’s the air, it will attack the cells in your lungs. Your lungs become vulnerable if the infection spreads, leading to pneumonia. This can cause your lungs to be damaged, reducing the amount of oxygen your body gets and can fluid to build up in your lungs. This fluid can also hinder your ability to breathe and effectively drown you. If it enters by food or drink, the virus attacks the cells in your gut, leading to symptoms that one might call food poisoning. This leads to severe dehydration and malnutrition. Without the water and nutrients the body needs, your body starts to shut down to save the brain, leading to organ failure and potentially death.

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