What decides about the order of colors in a rainbow?


Most of us know the order of a rainbow’s colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, purple – but my question is why is the order like this, and not different? Does this has something to do with some ultra high level of physics?

Also this is my first ever ELI5, if I’m doing something wrong feel free to point it out for me.

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each color is light traveling at different frequencies. The warm colors have higher frequencies and the cooler ones have low frequencies.

As to why we specifically perceive red as red or blue as blue. That’s just how we make sense of the different frequencies. There’s not any real reason. Maybe in our most ancient ancestral proto lifeforms being able to tell color was useful in avoiding harmful chemicals or knowing what’s safe to eat and we just never had lost the capability.

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