what Defragmentation is


what Defragmentation is

In: Technology

6 Answers

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Imagine your computer was a vast library full of books, with the location of every book catalogued and stored to quickly find it later. This is basically how your computer stores information. Now imagine that sometimes a book is too big to fit on a shelf, and the shelf next to that shelf is also full. This isn’t a problem because you have all the location of the books catalogued, so what you do is cut the book in half and catalogue part one on one shelf and part two on a shelf down the hall. This data is now fragmented. This works fine, but can obviously get annoying to have to run to two sections of the library to go get that info. So you under go the great library defragmentation. You basically take all the books down and re-arrange them so no book is broken up like that. This is data defragmentation.

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