what differentiates a country to a continent? It can’t be the amount of countries bc of Australia and Antarctica. It can’t be population bc of Antarctica. Is it size?


what differentiates a country to a continent? It can’t be the amount of countries bc of Australia and Antarctica. It can’t be population bc of Antarctica. Is it size?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There isn’t a consistently applied definition for the word continent. Different professions use the term differently but a continent is generally a geographical delineation. A country is essentially a political delineation.

In that sense they’re largely unrelated although it becomes fairly convenient, in many cases, to have some country boundaries “match” a continental boundary. This is also largely because many country boundaries use natural geographic features to define their borders.

Continents are large land masses that are largely disconnected from other land masses (very general). Countries are political boundaries where there is a government that is generally recognized as sovereign.

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