What do future commanders study when they go to a war college?


History obviously seems beneficial, but I was wondering how it is approached in a classroom setting. Where would a young, good future commander excel at?

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3 Answers

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Military Colleges like West Point are really just a regular University with a military slant.

You can earn degrees in the Sciences, engineering, philosophy, economics, psychology, sociology, nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, civil engineering, political science, etc

The courses include heavy slants on the military including physical education and sports, military history, leadership, and tactics. But most of the courses are no different from any other higher educational institution. But you also have to wear a uniform.

Higher education helps teach history, learning from past mistakes, and critical thinking which are important for a commander. That’s also why military colleges teach the liberal arts, it’s not just sports and combat practice you are going to a real university.

The old saying in the military is “send your best and your brightest”, the military wants highly educated and intelligent people particularly in the officer core. To get promoted to a higher level they expect you to get a Masters or even a Doctorate degree.

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