What do ISS spacesuits do? I know they provide an at atmosphere but do they have insulation? I’d guess not because there’s no atmosphere to cool you down, but what about depressurization?


What do ISS spacesuits do? I know they provide an at atmosphere but do they have insulation? I’d guess not because there’s no atmosphere to cool you down, but what about depressurization?

In: Engineering

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Turns out. Air is really hard to keep in. And space, you don’t cool off, which is kinda good, until you are sweating balls from working. As it turn out, having sweat floating everywhere on your face where you CANT WIPE WHILE WORKING is really, really, not desired. so it have a cooling part.

Pressure comes from air mass both INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. If theres literally nothing outside, the only thing you need to watch out is the pressure of keeping the air in, which is alot easier than underwater, where you have the ocean crushing on you.

Space also have a SHIT TON OF RADIATION, so unless you plan on having all kinds of cancer, you need protection, which is why the helmet LITERALLY HAVE A SHEET OF GOLD.

It also provides exo movement, because in space where you can grab nothing, the only thing you can do is propell your self with air.

It also houses radio so you can talk, and water and urine collection, because small things like human right to a non hostile working condition (somewhat) and mission success.

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