What do people get from StackExchange reputation?


I get that for Stack Overflow, programmers can somehow use their rep for portfolio purposes. What I would like to understand is what do people get by having a high reputation for ex. Math Stack Exchange. A lot of people seem to consistently answer questions on there, so much so it seems like a part-time job.

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am always answering questions on forums like these because I like it. I learn more, I have fun, I help people interested in the same things as I am… So yeah, I can consider it as a hobby.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> A lot of people seem to consistently answer questions on there, so much so it seems like a part-time job.

Some people enjoy collecting stamps, playing video games or travelling foreign countries. Some enjoy answering questions on stack exchange.
Bonus: Some enjoy answering Reddit threads.