What do the blood pressure numbers mean and how do they relate to each other?


Basically, I’ve always been really healthy, went to the doctor, got my BP (104/68) and was told it’s really healthy.

Then I said (to my Mom, an RN) “would it be better to be 104/80 or 104/60” and she just looked at me like I was crazy, then told me 104/60. Then I said, “but would it be better to be 100/72 or 104/68?” And she was just done with me at that point and I just don’t understand what these numbers mean and the internet is too advanced for me.

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you think about it, the only normal way to get super low diastolic (bottom number, pressure of “sitting around” blood that isn’t actively being pumped) is to be low on blood volume – major dehydration, blood loss – or to have an active leak (so blood loss again except that it’s still coming out).

IANAD but maybe there are also weird syndromes that give you loose or stretchy blood vessels?

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