What do the Marines and the Coast Guard do for the US Military?


In my country we only have the air force, army, and navy who cover the air, land, and the sea, respectively. What makes the Marines and Coast Guard different?

(Also, why do the Marines have a reputation for being bloodthirsty crayon chewers? Is that what makes them special?)

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6 Answers

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Marines are an “overseas” force. Their original purpose was serving on ships to provide some infantry force to that ship (They still do that.), then it became beach landings like in D-Day. Today Marines are used as “spearheads” for any overseas operation.

Let’s say US wants to invade another country in the Middle East, what they’ll do is they’ll send a lot of Marines and their equipment such as IFVs, helicopters, jets on aircraft carriers etc to US bases or ships close to that country and then use those Marines and equipment to start a new, swift attack. After the first attack is successful and some land is under control Army units would rain in and setup camp. The action would pass over from Marines to Army.

They are seen as blood thirsty because of the grueling training and imaginery from WWII (Germans knew them as Teufel Hunden) (Devil Dogs) and the crayon chewing comes from Marines having the lowest ASVAB scores. Anyone with enough physical can become a Marine. Lots of Jocks become a Marine.

Coast Guard is exactly what they are. They guard the coasts. Search and rescue, preventing smugglers etc.

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