What do volume numbers mean on the audio settings?


Like, my speakers go from 0 – 100. But 0-100 whats? Decibels? Or is this like a percentage of the speaker’s maximum volume? But it can’t be that because even if I turn it to 100, I can still turn the youtube slider up and make it play even louder. So what are these units?

Also, what determines the maximum? Can I just push it beyond that using some sort of coding thing?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The scale used is arbitrary. They don’t represent decibels or power output, it’s just something you can use to determine what level of volume you are at and see if you want to go higher or lower.

The only limit to how high you can go is whenever your speakers fail. You can output enough power through them that you blow them.

Manufacturers try to keep the maximum at a level that you can actually make out the song you are listening to and far below noise levels that might blow the speaker.

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