What does 10 Mbps mean when using the Internet?


Today I signed a phone service contract which offers “Unlimited data at a maximum speed of 10 Mbps” and “EU roaming data limit 40 GB”. I picked it because it was the cheapest offer, but I’d be lying if I said I know what 10Mbps and roaming data limit 40GB mean or what I can use them for.

I’m not really computer or Internet savvy.


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6 Answers

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Point 1 Analogy: You can use a road as many times as you can, but you can only drive at 10mph (instead of a toll road where you can only cross over it a few times)

According to [https://networkshardware.com/internet-speed/10-mbps/](https://networkshardware.com/internet-speed/10-mbps/), 10 Mbps is okay for 1080p streaming, but forget about 4k streaming

Point 2 (roaming) So it depends on the details, but based on the plain reading, that means if you go to EU, you can only upload and download the maximum of 40gb of stuff. In terms of analogy, you can only move (abitary unit) 40 truck load of stuff, and you can decide how many of them are from and to you.

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