What does a “fast/slow metabolism” really mean?


I mean, I get that having a fast metabolism means that you get fat harder and vice versa, but what does it exactly mean? And what are the upsides and downsides of each?

In: Biology

14 Answers

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This usually refers to the number of calories your body naturally burns each day with no activity included. These are the calories needed simply needed to keep your body running to survive.

Some factors that influence this number are body size and muscle mass. The larger you are the more calories it takes to maintain your body. Muscles require more calories to maintain than fat.

For normal people, this difference is within a couple hundred calories per day (about 1 soda worth). So generally this is too small of a factor to account for weight gain differences between two people. The reality is people don’t adequately log their calorie intake and calorie output.

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