What does an ellipses graph show?


That is to say: a graph with multiple feature variables showing different ellipses plots for class groups. What do the ellipses actually tell us? How are the ellipses graphed? What does overlap among ellipses mean? What basic graphing theory techniques are ellipse graphs based on?

I look at ellipse graphs and just think: huh – it looks like clustering but I know it isn’t clustering. I have no idea what this is saying and it is awful confusing.


Scroll to section 4.2. The first plot there is the one I am asking about.

In: Mathematics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s been awhile, but isn’t an ellipse:
1) the intersection of a plane going through one half of a cone,
2) such that it doesn’t cross at the perpendicular (such that it forms a circle) nor
3) at such a steep angle that the plane goes through both halves of the whole cone and forms a parabola or a hyperbola?

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