What does CC and horsepower actually mean in cars?


What does CC and horsepower actually mean in cars?

In: Engineering

10 Answers

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Horsepower is a measure of “power”, which is a term in physics that describes doing one job in a period of time. The shorter the time, the more “powerful” that machine is.

For example, I can carry two buckets of water at the same time, one in each arm. My mom can only carry one bucket, using both hands to hold it. If we need to fill up the same tank with water, I will finish faster because I can carry twice the amount. I will fill up two buckets, and she will only fill up one. After three trips, I filled up 6 buckets, and she was only able to carry 3 buckets in that time.

If we need to fill up 10 buckets, and each trip takes 1 minute, I will finish in 5 minutes (5 trips), while she will finish in 10 minutes (10 trips). I was able to do the job faster, in a shorter time, therefore, I have more “power”. If my mom has a 5 HP engine, I have a 10 HP engine.

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