What does ‘complementing’ mean when talking about fashion?


“Pocket squares should never match your tie, only complement it”

I get “matching” means same or similar color and style, but what does “complementing” means? How do socks complement your pants?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In that context they mean to use the color that is on the opposite side of the color wheel (or if you’re getting fancy use tritone matching, but really just stick to 2-color matching to start with).

General rule to remember if you don’t want to bust out your color wheel:

* Red and green compliment one another

* Blue and orange compliment one another

* Purple and yellow compliment one another

The other thing to remember though, is to make at least one of them less vibrant, if not sticking to a more muted palette all together. Two bright colors and you look goofy. But putting a fire engine red tie against an olive green shirt, that’s good.

Canary Yellow and Royal Purple are gonna be too loud and bright together, but if you make the yellow a dark gold it works fine, similarly if you make the purple a lavender.

Blue/Orange, the orange is usually the harsher color, and blue is naturally pretty mellow, so this works out pretty well without much effort, but if you have like a deep ocean blue and then a bright orange, maybe get a navy shirt for that orange tie.

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