what does Down syndrome do to someone?


I understand that it’s an extra chromosome and changes their face etc, but what does it do to someone’s actions mental capacity feelings or anything like that? I don’t understand, explain to me like you’re explaining it to an actual 5 year old that can’t understand basic human functions

In: 5

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It changes every single cell in their bodies. Some of the changes are apparent, like their face, and some are functional, but every single cell is affected in some way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chromosomes are a threadlike structure in human cells which carry our genetic information, or genes. So sex, the way we look, the traits we pick up from parents, how our brain develops and grows, etc. Down syndrome affects the 21st chromosome, giving the affected person a third copy.

The exact reason this third chromosome affects the body and brain so much is still a mystery, despite so much research going into it. But there is a theory called “gene dosage disequilibrium”. It talks about how the third chromosome completely messes up how other genes express themselves, and how the body processes and decodes them. If that makes sense.

Short answer is: We have no idea. We have theories, but the cause for these symptoms is still relatively unknown. [Source](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/04/140417133501.htm)