What does “enable inheritance” do on windows 10


What does “enable inheritance” do on windows 10

In: Technology

3 Answers

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Every person who uses a Windows computer is given their own “key” that they can use to unlock different items on the computer (like folders that store files, games and other applications, and tools that can be used change settings). The owner of the computer chooses who gets to open each different area.

There are thousands of these areas on each windows computer, so it would take a really long time to tell the computer who’s key is allowed to open each one of those areas. Inheritance allows the owner to “copy” that access from a higher level down to lower levels (like from a folder to every folder and file in that folder). It also automatically adds the same access to any new item that is created or placed in that folder.

to;dr: it just makes it easier for the owner, or administrator, to say which users should be allowed to use different areas of the computer.

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