Gluten is a protein found in wheat and some other grains. It’s what gives bread its stretchiness. For the overwhelming majority of individuals gluten is beneficial. Studies show potential benefits including lowered risk of heart disease.
In a small number of individuals (less than 1%) with Celiac Disease, the body misperceives gluten as a dangerous substance and triggers an immune response. This can cause damage to the digestive system, especially if an affected person continues to consume gluten. Stopping gluten consumption can reverse some of the damage. Since wheat is the primary source of gluten avoiding it becomes very important.
Some people may be sensitive to gluten but not at the level of Celiac disease.
A few other conditions such as wheat allergy, which isn’t specific to gluten, can also cause trouble and of course be also helped by avoiding wheat as well.
The reality is that for most people gluten is fine but some people falsely believe they are sensitive to gluten. Either they have some actual problem but don’t know the cause and are looking for anything to explain it or they are just following the latest fad.
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