What does Godël’s Incompleteness Theorem actually mean and imply? I just saw Ted-Ed’s video on this topic and didn’t fully understand what it means or what the implications of this are.


What does Godël’s Incompleteness Theorem actually mean and imply? I just saw Ted-Ed’s video on this topic and didn’t fully understand what it means or what the implications of this are.

In: 742

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That means you cant use math to proof everything which is true in math.

you can use other stuff than math to proove that. but not ONLY math.

its not complete in itself.

similar as you cannot concretley describe your consiousness although you definetly know its there.

it might be that you are not “good enough” to do so yet, and someone might be able to do so. OR its simply not doable.

As far as the implications go :

You set out to do this very difficult problem in physics in which you use maths as a language to express things.

Now years ago people believed that there is a way to proove everything they can observe in reality with maths.

but goedel says nope.

So when you now set out to do something – you know you can fail because you suck – OR – because its not possible – but you’ll never know…

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