What does hacking actually LOOK like? For example, what interface is the hacker using, what’s their goal, and are they typing in a bunch of passwords like in the movies?


What does hacking actually LOOK like? For example, what interface is the hacker using, what’s their goal, and are they typing in a bunch of passwords like in the movies?

In: Technology

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typically a console. Like a terminal emulator. Command line. You have one one your box right now. run “cmd”. Now type “help”. They might also use some tools with a GUI, which will look like most boring corporate tools. And a phone. Don’t forget that fooling people is a large part of it.

Goals range across the board. State actors and big corporations really care about not getting found and ID’d, so covering their tracks and plausible deniability. Activists (haha, hactivists) care about finding embarrassing data or shutting down ‘the man’. Thieves and crooks want anything they can sell, or bank accounts, or enough information to fraud a target. In general, the goal for them all is to get access to stuff they’re not supposed to have, typically without others knowing.

> are they typing in a bunch of passwords like in the movies?

Haha, no. When actual brute-forcing, there are tools that try a bunch of passwords at computer-speeds. You can search for and play with “gpg” and “jack the ripper crack” if you want to see them in action.

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