what does it mean for a machine to “learn?” How do we quantify something like skill growth when, for humans, learning is a subjective experience?


what does it mean for a machine to “learn?” How do we quantify something like skill growth when, for humans, learning is a subjective experience?

In: 4

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You feed the machine a bunch of data along with a result. The machine tries to figure out a way to turn those data points into the result you want. It does this again and again, refining the algorithm. Then you can put in a bunch of data points and ask what the result would likely be. The machine learned how to do that thanks to the training and gives an answer.

So I guess I’d say it means the refinement of an algorithm by the machine with the only human interaction being feeding data and the expected answer,v instead of manually tweaking the algorithm.

Then if it’s successful, it learned how to identify cancer cells, or risky loan applications, or whatever the data was.

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