What does it mean for something to be unironic?


What does it mean for something to be unironic?

In: Culture

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the popular parlance, doing something ironically means you are doing it because you *understand* that it’s funny, stupid, silly, cringeworthy or whatever else. Doing it unironically means you did it without understanding that people were going to find it funny, silly, cringeworthy, or whatever. That is, you did it because you really meant it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Irony is when an event, action, or consequence is the opposite of what one would expect. For example, if a fire station burns down, it is ironic.

When something is unironic, it means that an event, action, or consequence is exactly what one might expect. For example, a fireworks factory catching fire and exploding is unironic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It means that it is earnest, or sincere.

If I wear a pocket protector to literally protect my pocket and am not aware or concerned with it being a symbol of nerdness ,then my wearing is earnest. However, if I think it’s _cool_ to wear it, knowing the arc of the pocket protector being a symbol of nerdness and I’m playing with that knowledge in my wearing of it than I’m doing so _with irony_.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you like Riverdale because the storylines are captivating, you’re liking it unironically.

If you watch it because it’s so bad, you’re watching it ironically.