What does it mean for the FCC to auction spectrum?


I understand that it is necessary for broadcasters, wireless companies, etc for transmission. But there can only be a finite amount of spectrum. Has it all been used up? If there is some remaining then does the FCC hold it back? Do companies get more efficient in using it? If it is such a finite and valuable resource then wouldn’t companies pay a lot for their licenses?

In: 2

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all radio spectrum is under the authority of the FCC. Some is managed by NTIA for government uses.

A colorful chart showing what frequencies are used for what has a link at https://www.ntia.doc.gov/page/2011/united-states-frequency-allocation-chart

Once upon a time, frequencies were free. It’s only in about the last 25 years that they’ve been auctioned off, bring in a lot of money to the US treasury from companies that profit off the use of the frequencies

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