What does it mean to “cure” cancer? Isn’t chemotherapy a largely effective solution? Why do they say cancer hasn’t been cured then?


What does it mean to “cure” cancer? Isn’t chemotherapy a largely effective solution? Why do they say cancer hasn’t been cured then?

In: Biology

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chemotherapy is poison that is indiscriminate. It will kill healthy cells and cancerous cells but as cancerous cells grow at a faster rate, it kills them faster. The hope is you kill the cancer before you kill the host. It’s like setting off a nuclear bomb and hoping you will survive it. Drugs they are currently working on will target the cancer cells only. It will be like taking an antibiotic.

Antibiotics, target bacteria only and leave your cells alone. Before penecillin, dying of septicemia was a serious risk. Your body would raise it’s temperature to fight the infection. Your body is supposed to be at a certain temperature and you can only sustain a ha a serious disease that you could die from. That is what is meant by a cure for cancer, when it is considered no more serious a disease than a bacterial infection that can be treated with a prescription.

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