What does it mean to ‘pause’ an economy?


If we had to close half of the service sector, resta.urants, bars and other non essential congreg ations of more than a certain number of people, while airIines were under filled or unable to operate many of their routes, and wor k places and schools cIosed, how do things get paid? Especially if it’s worIdwide meaning goods and material trade slows down or stops.

In terms of things like loans, mo rtgages and wages, Is there a set understanding of what gets ‘paused’ and what is still expected to be continued?

In: Economics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the word ‘pause’ is a way of rationalizing the bad numbers on Wall Street. A lot of the market is driven by confidence. People are afraid of saying the word ‘recession’ or ‘downturn’ because they think that will create a thrifty attitude that will make things worse.

Well, it’s impossible to deny the effects that this pandemic is having on the economy. The hope is that if they call it a ‘pause’ that people will be encouraged to go bounce back to normal behavior faster once the pandemic is over.

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