What does it mean when a company “burns through money”? Where does the money go?


I read [this article](https://kotaku.com/facebook-metaverse-vr-2022-billions-13-billion-quest-2-1850062517) this morning about how ~~Facebook~~ Meta’s VR division “Lost $13.72 Billion In 2022”. The article later says that Meta is burning through money. But if they’re spending money to generate a product, doesn’t that money go somewhere? If Meta doesn’t have the $14 billion, who does?

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17 Answers

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Imagine you open a store that sells nothing but canned dog poop. You have to pay employees, suppliers, electricity bill, rent, insurance, etc. All the costs of running a business. You thought canned dog poop was going to be the next big thing, but turns out, nobody wants anything to do with canned dog poop, not to mention your canned dog poop is by far the poopiest. Just shockingly bad canned dog poop. So no one is buying your poop but you still have to keep paying all those costs of running your canned dog poop shop. Instead of *incoming customer money* paying those costs, you’re paying them via *your own savings or by getting loans*. When the majority of the business costs are being paid by saved money or loans instead of money from paying customers, that’s what is meant by “burning through money”.

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