What does it mean when a company “burns through money”? Where does the money go?


I read [this article](https://kotaku.com/facebook-metaverse-vr-2022-billions-13-billion-quest-2-1850062517) this morning about how ~~Facebook~~ Meta’s VR division “Lost $13.72 Billion In 2022”. The article later says that Meta is burning through money. But if they’re spending money to generate a product, doesn’t that money go somewhere? If Meta doesn’t have the $14 billion, who does?

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17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Employees don’t work for free.

The lights don’t stay on for free.

The software licenses aren’t free.

The rent in the building isn’t free.

The hardware they’re prototyping isn’t free.

These things add up, and in Facebook’s case the R&D cash burn on whatever the Metaverse is supposed to be appears to be massive.

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