What does it mean when an aircraft stalls, and why is it dangerous?


So, I tried reading the wikipedia article covering the subject, but nothing made sense; so if y’all could explain the critical attack and things like that as well, it would be great!!

In: Physics

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Airplanes fly by shoving air down really hard. Forget about Bernoulli’s principle, if the shape of the wing was that important, planes couldn’t fly upside down and they do.

In a stall, because of either the position of the wing, or the speed of the plane, enough air is not being shoved down.

That’s bad because you start to fall. Falling is different from flying downwards in the same way that sinking is different from swimming downwards.

When you fall, that also means you’re not controlling the plane. That’s bad because you use the ability to control the plane to stop falling.

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