What does it mean when an album or song is “remastered”?


What does it mean when an album or song is “remastered”?

In: Other

18 Answers

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Imagine taking multiple pieces of different colored string and braiding them together.
If you do this with pieces of recorded sound, this is called “mixing”, and it’s how you can have different instruments or voices playing and singing together, even if they were recorded at different times.

Then, imagine that you took that rope of braided string and dipped it all in glitter so every piece all shined in the same way, even though you could still see the different colors coming through. If you do this with recorded pieces of sound mixed together, this is called “mastering.”

later on, if you found some better glitter, you could strip all the old glitter off, and dip the old braided rope of strings into your better glitter. When people take a recording that’s been mastered, remove the old mastering and master the original mixed pieces of recorded sounds with better-sounding tools, this is called “remastering.”

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